Environmental Responsibility

Economic growth and energy availability walk together. Consequently, the construction of hydropower plants and transmission lines are beneficial and essential to Brazil’s development. The gains from implementing such projects outweigh their potential negative impacts. Some of these benefits are low cost for energy generation, obtaining energy from a renewable sustainable source and developing programs that are important to preserve the environment in the region, creating new jobs and strengthening the local economy.

Aligned with its commitment to the sustainable development of the communities where it operates, all Alupar projects are in compliance with the environmental laws based on the instruments and rites of the process of environmental licensing, and follow the resolutions of the National Environment Council (CONAMA). Each project has unique characteristics that are respected and taken into account during the Environmental Impact Study (EIA), so as to establish the most effective plan of action for each location.

Based on this analysis, the Company develops programs for the preservation and recovery of Environmental Protection Areas, maintenance of the biodiversity of the fauna and flora, replacement and recovery of the native forests, maintenance of the quality of the water bodies, as well as other environmental compensations reverted to the maintenance of Conservation Units. These initiatives that aim to mitigate each project’ impacts are described in detail in the Basic Environmental Plan (PBA).

Another initiative that contributes to the sustainability of Alupar’s energy generation projects is the certification to generate carbon credits which are traded on the international market. Created by the United Nations (UN), this practice is part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and highlights the contribution of the projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and control global warming.

Fauna and Flora

  • Maintenance of biodiversity


  • Replacement and recovery of native forests


  • Maintenance of the quality of the water bodies

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