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Adjacent to the Verdescola Institute, located in the city of São Sebastião, state of São Paulo, is Verdesporte, a sports center supported by Alupar. Social and educational projects, including income generation and professional training programs, are also developed at the center. Additionally, the Company helps maintain a multi-purpose sports court located in the city Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais. Athletes can also count on Alupar’s support. The Company sponsors the Brazilian Rugby Confederation, aiming to promote the sport in Brazil. At the Ferreira Gomes Hydropower Plant,  the Jiu-Jitsu na Escola (Ju-Jitsu at school) project, developed through a partnership between Alupar and the city’s Secretary of Sports, aims to diminish the possibility of dropping out in school. Students with regular school attendance and good grades are invited to join the Ju-Jitsu team.


  • Alupar sponsors the Brazilian Rugby Confederation to strengthen the sport in Brazil

Jiu-Jitsu na Escola

  • Construction of multi-purpose sports centers

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