Respect for the local community

Respect for the past history and opinion of the local communities is essential during each stage of implementation and operation of a project. For this reason, Alupar maintains an open communication channel through Social Communication Programs which are essential to information exchange between the Company and the community, so that everyone is aware of the most important events related to Alupar’s projects, ensuring transparency in any news of public interest.

The project must be beneficial to all parties involved—based on this premise and the specific needs of each region, Alupar invests in programs to actively help improve quality of life in the local communities. Besides developing projects geared towards key topics, such as health and education, the Company offers strategic support and financial aid to vaccination campaigns and the expansion of health centers and schools. Through tax incentive laws, the community also benefits from cultural programs, including travelling theatre and maintenance of community libraries and multi-purpose sports centers.


  • Channel to maintain an open dialogue between the Company, the government and the community


  • Restoration of historic heritage buildings


  • Over 20 million reais invested in projects across Brazil

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